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1 hour 02 minutes and 23 seconds!Jialiangjia Banma Super National Record

1 hour 02 minutes and 23 seconds!Jialiangjia Banma Super National Record-1

This morning, Beijing Yizhuang International Enterprise Cultural Park held a challenge. The protagonist of the challenge was Jia Langjia. After a winter plateau winter training, he hoped to test his training results. In the end, he completed in 1 hour, 02 minutes and 23 seconds. The semi -horses challenge, this result exceeds my country’s half -horse national record.

1 hour 02 minutes and 23 seconds!Jialiangjia Banma Super National Record-2

The domestic men’s half -horse record is 1 hour 02 minutes and 51 seconds, or Dong Guojian was created in the Yangzhou Marathon in 2009. Today’s challenge, the track is about 4.5km, and the passenger takes turns to lead him. At the time of the 2nd time, Jia Langren finished 62 minutes and 23 seconds, with an average pace of 2 minutes and 56 seconds. The super national record was 28 seconds, but this result could not be certified.

1 hour 02 minutes and 23 seconds!Jialiangjia Banma Super National Record-3

Although the achievements cannot be certified, Jaoliangjia’s strength is beyond doubt. In the past two years, with the rise of the Chinese people’s racing, some people have continued to move towards breaking the national record. The closest time is the half -horses of Xiamen around the previous year. Peng Jianhua’s score of 1 hour 03 minutes and 03 seconds was close to breaking the half -horse record. Last year’s Renshou Banma, Jiang Faun also ran out of such achievements.

Jia Landa is currently regarded as one of the strongest runners outside the system. He has not had the background of a professional team. From the Berlin Marathon to the Guangdong Marathon, breakthroughs in the 2020 Shanghai Marathon, he ran for 2 hours. The score of 12 minutes and 44 seconds won the championship, which is also the best result of his current Malaysia.

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